

Preparation and Properties of Natural Leather-Tungsten Fast Neutron Moderating Materials

  • 摘要: 以天然皮革(NL)为基础材料,羧基化修饰纳米钨粒子(W@AR)作为功能成分,制备了复合中子慢化材料NL/Wn@AR,其中该复合材料中钨的摩尔含量(n)分别为0.76、2.85、5.12和6.98 mmol/cm3。采用蒙特卡洛程序(MCNP)模拟了NL/Wn@AR对4.4 MeV中子的能量衰减行为。模拟结果表明,NL/Wn@AR的慢化能力随着厚度的增加而提升。在相同厚度下,NL/W5.12@AR慢化后的热中子通量接近聚乙烯,而NL/W6.98@AR慢化后的热中子通量则高于聚乙烯。在镅铍中子源下测试了NL/Wn@AR的慢化能力。实验结果表明,NL/W5.12@AR慢化后的热中子产生数接近聚乙烯,NL/W6.98@AR 慢化后的热中子产生数则高于聚乙烯,与MCNP模拟结果一致。NL/Wn@AR在保持良好中子慢化能力的同时,其力学性能均优于聚乙烯,展现出良好的应用前景。


    Abstract: A composite neutron moderating material, designated NL/Wn@AR, was fabricated using natural leather (NL) as the base material and carboxylated tungsten nanoparticles (W@AR) as the functional component. The composite material was prepared with varying tungsten molar concentrations of 0.76, 2.85, 5.12, and 6.98 mmol/cm³, respectively. The energy attenuation behavior of NL/Wn@AR for 4.4 MeV neutrons was simulated using the Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) code. Simulation results indicated that the moderating ability of NL/Wn@AR was enhanced with the increase of thickness. At a given thickness, the moderated thermal neutron flux of NL/W@AR with 5.12 mmol/cm³ tungsten concentration approximated that of polyethylene, while NL/W@AR with 6.98 mmol/cm³ tungsten concentration surpassed it. Experimental validation of the material’s moderating capacity was conducted using an Am-Be neutron source. The experimental results aligned with MCNP simulations, confirming that after moderation, NL/W@AR with 5.12 mmol/cm³ tungsten concentration exhibited comparable performance to polyethylene, while NL/W@AR with 6.98 mmol/cm³ tungsten concentration demonstrated superior effectiveness. Notably, NL/Wn@AR possesses enhanced physical and mechanical properties compared to polyethylene while maintaining excellent neutron moderating ability, highlighting its potential for diverse applications.


