

Analysis of the Current Research Status of Life Cycle Assessment Method Applications in the Leather Industry

  • 摘要: 皮革工业是我国具有国际竞争优势的传统轻工支柱产业,其绿色低碳转型升级已是必然趋势。生命周期评价(Life Cycle Assessment,LCA)作为一种系统性、综合性的评价方法,可用于量化制革过程的资源环境影响。文章简要回顾了LCA方法的发展历程、标准流程与理论框架,重点总结了LCA方法在制革领域应用的研究现状及其对制革减污降碳的指导作用,以及现存的问题和解决方案。结合作者在皮革产品碳足迹核算标准方法研制与皮革化学品碳排因子数据库构建方面的研究与实践,核算形成皮革产品碳足迹数据库,并提出构建制革工艺LCA环境影响预测模型,希望赋能绿色低碳制革生产和皮革行业高质量发展。


    Abstract: Leather industry, a traditional pillar of China's light industry with international competitive advantages, is developing towards green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), as a systematic and comprehensive evaluation method, can be used to quantify the resource and environmental impacts of leather manufacturing process. This paper briefly reviewed the development history, standard procedures, and theoretical frameworks of the LCA methodology. It focuses on the current research status of LCA applications in the leather industry and its guiding role in pollution reduction and carbon mitigation, as well as existing problems and solutions. The carbon footprint database for leather products was established based on the authors’ research and practice in developing standard methods for calculating the carbon footprint of leather products and constructing a database of carbon emission factor for leather chemicals. The authors further proposed the construction of a LCA environmental impact prediction model for tanning processes, with the aim of enabling green, low-carbon leather manufacturing and high-quality development of the leather industry.


