

Effect of Orthopedic Insoles on Plantar Pressure during Running in Fatigue State in Patients with Flexible Flatfoot

  • 摘要: 26名柔韧性扁平足者在10 m的实验场地以(3.0±0.3)m/s速度进行疲劳前和疲劳后跑步测试。应用Pedar足底压力测试系统和鞋垫测量扁平足者疲劳前、后穿矫形鞋垫和平鞋垫跑步时的足底8个区域的压力,对矫形鞋垫的作用效果进行分析。与平鞋垫相比,矫形鞋垫显著减少了扁平足者跑步时后跟的峰值压力、峰值压强和压力时间积分。和疲劳前相比,受试者疲劳后穿着平鞋垫跑步时前足内侧和后跟区域峰值压力显著增大,前足内侧和中足内侧区域的峰值压强显著增大;而穿着矫形鞋垫以上区域指标无显著性差异。矫形鞋垫有助于降低扁平足者跑步疲劳引起的足部损伤风险、实现健康跑。


    Abstract: Twenty-six patients with flexible flatfoot were tested before and after fatigue at a speed of (3.0 ± 0.3) m/s in a 10 m experimental field. Pedar-x system and insoles were used to measure the plantar pressure of eight areas of the flatfoot before and after fatigue when running with orthopedic insoles and flat insoles. Compared with the flat insole, the orthopedic insole significantly reduced the peak force, peak pressure and force-time integral of the heel of the flatfoot when running. Compared with before fatigue, the peak force in the medial forefoot and heel area and the peak pressure in the medial forefoot and medial midfoot area increased significantly when the patients wore flat insoles after fatigue. However, there was no significant difference in these indexes above the orthopedic insole. Orthopedic insoles are helpful to reduce the risk of foot injury caused by running fatigue of flatfoot and realize healthy running.


