

Effect of Foot Pronation on Gait Stability of Children at Critical Development Stage

  • 摘要: 足外翻表现会导致儿童步态模式异常,影响其步态稳定性。利用Footscan平板式足底压力测量系统采集347名7~8岁儿童自然行走时的步态动力学参数,筛选出外翻组(男/女)和正常组(男/女),采用独立t检验对比分析了外翻组和正常组的步态时相和压力中心轨迹,探究了足外翻对关键发育期儿童步态稳定性的影响。结果表明:外翻足儿童行走时全掌着地期更长,蹬离期更短,其中,男童压力中心在前掌着地期的横向位移范围增大,整体稳定性降低;女童压力中心在全掌着地期和蹬离期向内转移不足,左右方向的步态稳定性降低。在进行足外翻儿童功能鞋靴设计研发时,应结合男/女童不同的步态稳定性特征,通过差异化结构设计提高鞋靴稳定性及安全性。


    Abstract: Foot pronation can significantly impact the structure and function of children’s entire body, particularly the joints of the lower limbs, which may result in abnormal gait patterns and compromised gait stability. Our study aimed to explore the impact of foot pronation on gait stability during a critical developmental stage of children. We collected gait dynamic parameters from 347 children, aged 7 to 8 years, during natural walking using the Footscan plantar pressure measurement system. Four groups were identified: children with valgus feet (both boys and girls) and children with normal feet (both boys and girls). An independent t-test was employed to analyze differences in gait phase parameters and center of pressure between the valgus and normal groups within the same gender. The results indicate that children with foot pronation tend to have an extended foot flat phase and a reduced forefoot push-off phase, which may lead to a hurried completion of push-off and center of gravity transfer. For boys with foot pronation, there is an increased lateral displacement range of the center of pressure during the forefoot contact phase. Concurrently, there is a decrease in the range and velocity of the center of pressure in the anterior-posterior direction during the initial contact and forefoot push-off phases, which can diminish overall gait stability. Pronation results in an inadequate medial transfer of the center of pressure during both the foot flat and forefoot push-off phases, reducing stability in the medial-lateral direction. Consequently, when designing functional or orthopedic footwear for children with foot pronation, it is essential to enhance shoe stability and safety through tailored structural designs that consider the unique gait stability characteristics of boys and girls during different phases of walking.


