

Exploration on the Visual Design of Decorative Patterns in Tang Dynasty: Take the Demale Bag as an Example

  • 摘要: 中国人历来崇尚香事,香器作为焚香文化的传承载体,是古人闲情逸趣的风雅寄托,其特点鲜明的装饰纹样更是中华民族美学发展的阶段性典型代表。通过深度分析香器装饰纹样的图案构成、色彩搭配和轮廓造型,凝练其艺术特征,依托唐代社会背景重设颜色配比,以写意化的手法对装饰纹样进行提取演变,为香器的现代化可持续设计与应用提供可行性思路,同时以皮质女包为设计载体,实现了传统香器装饰纹样的古为今用和焚香文化的实物化传承创新。


    Abstract: Chinese have always advocated incense. As the inheritance carrier of incense culture, incense ware is the elegant supporter of the ancients. Its feature of distinctive decorative pattern is the typical representative of the aesthetic development of the Chinese nation. This study analyzed in depth the pattern composition, color collocation and outline of the decorative pattern of incense ware and condensed out its artistic characteristics. Relying on the social background of the Tang dynasty, the color ratio was reconfigured, and the decorative patterns were extracted and evolved in a freehand way, providing feasible ideas for the modern and sustainable design and application of incense ware. At the same time, the leather women handbag was used as the design carrier to realize the traditional incense decoration pattern of the past for the present and the physical inheritance and innovation of the traditional incense culture.


